Tuesday, October 7, 2008

last day in Atlanta

Well, it has been a very good time for us here. We haven't had time to see everyone we wanted to see. There just didn't end up being enough lunch and dinner dates for everyone we wanted to see. We regret that. We have, however, had very, very good times with those we have gotten to see.

Sunday night we went to a sing-a-long Mamma Mia with friends. What fun! We ate at Joe's Crab Shack afterwards and came away stuffed! Tree Hugger and I do love our coconut shrimp....yummmmmm. One of those friends has been a friend for many years. The other is a brand new friend. Reconnecting with them or meeting them for the first time.....it's just the stuff life is made of. Love it.
Saturday night we ate with some other friends, at their home and two other friends joined us there. There were six of us in all and the country home cooking was awesome!! We had Honey Baked Ham and smoked turkey and luscious vegetables. The dessert was a Rasberrry Elegant cake that was a killer! ooooooo weee!! Shut your mouth and slap my granny!
Monday we spent the day with one of my dearest friends. We've known each other for 34 years. We shopped at the outlet mall at Dawsonville, GA and came away with some good deals. She and Tree Hugger have bonded over the years and are almost as dear friends. We ate at a popular Atlanta eatery called "Eats" The company was much better than the food, but the food wasn't bad...just not outstanding. And make sure you know.....I was the one who choose the place, so blame me!!
Today has been our last full day here. We had one more meal with the friend we spent yesterday with. Ate Chic-fil-A for lunch! There's not a better chicken sandwich anywhere. And who has better lemonade than Chic-fil-A?? NOBODY!! Tonight we see one more set of friends for dinner and come back here to the motel to pack and get some sleep.
We have so enjoyed staying in one place for a few days and being able to recoup some lost sleep! The best thing, though, is being able to reconnect with those who mean so much. They make life SO much richer. We dearly love every one of you.
We leave around lunch time tomorrow for Huntsville, AL and another reunion with an old friend. This one has been my friend since September 1969 - sophomore year of high school. That will be a good time, as well. Bank on it.
The pics above are as follows: the flower thing was this unusual red and yellow leafed thing at Monticello. I have others from Monticello that I will post eventually, but this was one more I thought I'd include while doing vacation posts. The other three are of our day at the Biltmore House. Two are of us in front of the house, and the house without us. The other is the view from the front door of the house, looking back at the gigantic lawn, wall and more lawn before you can get to where the long distance view of the front of the house is taken from. It's a massive place, to say the least.
More later......hope you enjoy the pics and stories!

1 comment:

Nanny Tucker said...

Love the pics! It was wonderful to have y'all visit us on your trip! Take care!