Friday, October 17, 2008

killin' time

No pics tonight. I'm at work and, as the title says, I'm killing time. I have three very quiet patients who are sleeping. It's a rare thing to have a quiet evening. I'm NOT looking a gift horse in the mouth, let me tell you.
I've been reading back over the blog and I realized something. I've never attempted, in the past, to chronicle a trip or adventure I took, before or after the beautiful Tree Hugger came into my life. It feels good to go back and read and remember people, events, tastes, history, laughter, landmarks....the journey itself. I enjoyed the story, I must say.
Maybe that sixteen days won't fade so quickly into foggy memory. I'd like that.
Maybe I'd like it if life itself took on more of a sharp, memorable quality. This blogging thing could be useful on many levels.

The Canadian federal election was held this past Tuesday. With a parliamentary system, my American friends might not be so familiar with how things go up here. The party with the majority of the seats in parliament is the party of the new Prime Minister. Two elections in a row now, the Conservative party has won what they call a minority gov't. The conservative party leader is the Prime Minister, but with a minority gov't, they can't do any real damage and force their most radical ideas through as law. The opposition parties can band together and vote down a law if they deem it important enough to do so. The opposition parties don't have as many seats as the Conservatives alone. One party could not stop the conservatives. There are three remaining parties, so at least two of them would have to band together to really bring down the conservatives.
I hate it that the conservatives are still in power, but at least with a minority gov't, they can't wreak the havoc they could if they had won a majority! Heaven help us all if they did.

Now I realize I may lose some of my friends from reading this blog if I continue to spout my own left-leaning opinions. They're just my opinions. I won't be putting down others for views different from my own.....but I will speak my peace from time to time.

That's enough killing time for tonight. Peace and love to all, no matter what your political leanings are.

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