Sunday, October 5, 2008

attempt at pics

Well, here I am....seeing how long an attempt at uploading at pics will take.

We just got back from a very enjoyable lunch with my cousin and her husband and daughter (cousin-in-law and first cousin once removed...if you're into that) guessed it, the Cracker Barrell.

Isn't it always good to hook up with people who mean so much to you? You just can't beat that. We enjoyed them thoroughly.

We stopped at a roadside stand and stocked up on pecans at a bargain price, as well as a couple of bananas and peaches. We also bought fried peach pies, but they be kind....substandard. Enough said, on that.

Now we're headed out with friends to see Mamma Mia and have dinner at yet another awesome southern cooking place. Do we perceive a theme here?? Ya think????

The pics I'm attempting to upload (while I've typed this they still haven't finished) are three of our day at Monticello and a couple taken in the Smoky Mountains. One is the back of the house (the front pics were a little too dark), a very unusually beautiful flower in the gardens at Monticello and one of us in front of the back of the house. The two in the Smokies are of a nice stream with lots of rocks and a view of some mountains from a pass within Cades Cove. I really like pics that are framed by something like two tree branches or two fence posts or two sides of a pass, like this one!
Hope you like them. If I have time, I'll try uploading more this evening before we hit the bed for the night. To be frank, there aren't too many more, but I can try to get them uploaded.
I just decided that since I had a few minutes before our evening plans, it couldn't hurt to try. It did finally take about five minutes, but what's five minutes??? right??
More later!!

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