Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tulip Festival, as always...beautiful

There are plenty more than these five. This is just a sampling. It was, as usual, beautiful.

I always love the purple ones the best.

Daffodils growing amongst the tulips.

Always gotta include some orange, don'tcha know??? :-) Go Big Orange!

I really like these, what TreeHugger calls, variegated flowers. Very pretty mixed in with the brilliant reds.
Been a long time, eh?? I spent the winter being lazy...what can I say?
Today, Mrs TreeHugger and I walked around the Canadian Tulip Festival at Commissioner's Park, here in Ottawa. It's held every year, as some of you who know us are aware. The festival shows some amazing color and tons of opportunities for great pictures.
The festival's roots go back to WW2 when the Dutch royal family took refuge here in Canada and showed their appreciation by sending many, many tulip bulbs. Now the numbers are boasted at over a million per year. That's a very simplistic version of the story, but it's enough.
The pics posted here are just five out of over 30 that I took today. A good half of the tulips were still buds, so we're going back next week for some more amazing color.
We took a two day trip in March to Toronto to have our taxes done and see TreeHugger's daughter. We saw some old friends and enjoyed the time tremendously. I forgot the camera. :-(
Then a few weeks later we took a day trip down to Watertown, NY for some Cracker Barrel and shopping. I always enjoy a trip down to the US. It's delicious eatin' and a chance to pick up goodies I can't get up here. I brought home some biscuits and CB gravy. Yowza!!
I also broke down and finally joined Facebook last month. That's been fun. Even with email available to people, I'm still in touch with folk, via Facebook, that I wasn't in touch with before. Go figure, eh??
Hopefully, I'll be more active with the blog during the warm months. I will be taking more pictures, that's for sure.
I'd love to hear from any of my friends or family....gimme a holler!

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