Friday, September 26, 2008

Day One

Well, we did make it. We worked like two people possessed last night to get ready. I did a WHOLE lot less than Tree Hugger did and I went to bed earlier, too. But hey.....I had been up for more than 24 hours. Give a guy a break! She had an agenda to get done as long as your arm....and she did it all. She is amazing.
We got away today after taking our furry children to a friend's house. That was a little hard to see them so confused, but they'll be fine. Our friend is a total animal lover, so they're in good hands.
We drove the first leg of our journey to Scranton, PA today. We're chilling now after yet another fast food meal. Maybe tomorrow we'll find something not so fast to eat. That would be a GOOD thing!!
The pics above were taken along the way today. The scenic two were taken in the Thousand Islands area of the St Lawrence River. It's sooo beautiful there. One is an island with nothing but a chimney left sitting on it's crest. The other is this weird three level house built on an island not much bigger than the house. The Thousand Islands is breathtakingly beautiful. The fall colors are out in the north now so it's even more lovely than it usually is.
The dark, moody, sillouette picture is me, taken by Tree Hugger while driving on the Thousand Islands Parkway. oooooooo...
Then the border crossing to get into the USA!! woo hoo!
You wouldn't believe how gorgeous upstate New York is right now. The fall colors are close to peak. I-81 south through the Adirondack Mountains was a sight to behold. We rode through hills and valleys and had such views! We sang to ABBA and just had a great time.
We're just so grateful to be done with the getting ready and gone. We already miss our sweet children, but we're planning on a good time.
Tomorrow, Mount Vernon and a visit with George and Martha. Then dinner with friends....should be great!!


Anonymous said...

Safe travels, my friends!

Andy and Lori said...

Dear Colin and Teri, looks like you are going to have a wonderful trip. I don't know how much you have heard about the 'gas shortage' in GA. And not sure when you are getting close, but wanted to advise you to make sure you fill up before you get to GA. People have drove 0
90 miles looking for gas. It will be good to see you and love the pictures.

Andy and Lori said...

And Colin, by the way... don't you know the women ALWAYS do all the work! LOL Lori