Monday, October 20, 2008

autumn around the neighborhood

Hello again!!
So here are a few pics from our first week home and one leftover pic from the vacation.
I had commented that I wouldn't post pics of friends here, since that is their domain to do or not do. One friend, however, has pics of her own sweet self posted on her blog, so I didn't feel reluctant to post a pic of us with her. She lives in Huntsville, AL and we went to high school together. That's the pic in the middle of the bunch here.
All the other pics have been taken since we got home.
As some of you may remember, we live two blocks from where the RCMP (Canada's version of the FBI), or The Mounties, have the stables for their famous Musical Ride. They practice there and stable the horses there and perform there every year. These horses are beautiful and very gentle. Wherever the Mounties go perform, the crowds are invited afterwards to come pet the horses and ask the riders questions. Tree Hugger often walks the dog at the stables. In all but the coldest weather, the horses are usually out grazing or hanging out. It's a large, rolling campus that also contains the Canadian Police Academy, so Mounties have classes there as well as the horses.
A couple of the pics are a little washed out...sorry 'bout that. One, though, turned out pretty well. Tree Hugger is always telling the horses how beautiful they are. Of course, they love her and think the dog is amusing.
The scenery pics were taken around the stables or in our neighborhood. In the week we've been home, most of the trees have lost the majority of their leaves. Peak time doesn't last long, but it sure is exquisite.
Autumn is my favorite time of year. I just wish its beauty would last a little longer.
I hope everyone is enjoying cooler temperatures wherever you are.
I just got through with working the weekend. Now I have Monday and Tuesday off. Don't days off come close to making life worth living??
Peace to all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it back home safely! Enjoying having dinner with you over Fall Break! -Angel