Sunday, September 14, 2008

just starting

We're just starting this photo blog. Either of us could be posting here. This is LePew Man today. I've never kept a blog of any kind successfully, but I'm motivated by the idea of sharing pictures, so maybe I can be more regular about it.

Here are a few pics of Tree Hugger's tomatoes. She's so very proud of them! There's some basil in there, as well. matter how often we post, welcome to our world!


Admin said...

a nice start

Nanny Tucker said...

I am so excited that you & Teri are blogging! Now I can know what's going on with you guy! I am looking forward to seeing y'all in the next few weeks!
Love ya!

Claudia said...

Hey my friends! Good start! I'm so horribly behind in my blog. Hope you can keep yours up to date better than I do!

Anonymous said...

this is just great - and beautiful pics, too. Hope to se eyou in Atl

gawgapch1 said...

Keep your gas tank half full.....Nashville out of gas - and it gets worse as you get into Gawga. Concerned about your travels. Sent you an e-mail with my cell number. Please call. Love ya